Unveiling Gaps in Vaccine Knowledge: A Peek…

In the densely populated urban slums of Bangladesh, where life is a delicate balance between…>

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CES (2019) & DHIS2 (2022) data shows,…

CES (2019) & DHIS2 (2022) data shows, 30 upazillas across 21 districts exhibit Zero-Dose rates…>

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The government will introduce the HPV vaccination…

The government will introduce the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for female students in classes 5-9,…>

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Unveiling Insights: Rapid Assessment on Zero-Dose Children…

In a significant effort aimed at improving immunisation equity, the Country Learning Hub (CLH) for…>

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Transforming Healthcare in Bangladesh: The Digital Revolution…

The introduction of the District Health Information Software-2 (DHIS2), a digital healthcare monitoring system, can…>

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Urban floating population needs special immunisation interventions

Md. Wazed Ali, a Field Research Manager at icddr,b draws attention to the high risk…>

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2nd Monitoring Committee Meeting

The 2nd monitoring committee meeting was held as per the pre-scheduled date. All members of…>

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Monitoring committee meeting

The first monitoring committee meeting was held as per the pre-scheduled date. All members of…>

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Meeting with consortium members

Before the inception meeting of ‘Country Learning Hub’, a discussion meeting was organised with the…>

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Country Learning Hub for Immunisation Equity in…

The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), in collaboration with Gavi, the Vaccine…>

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