The Country Learning Hub(CLH) for Immunisation Equity in Bangladesh ensures increased and timely availability of evidence-based learning for national stakeholders to ensure equity in vaccination and immunisation. This learning hub involves the engagement of local to national bodies that govern and implements routine immunisation (RI) of children. It will provide systematic and robust monitoring and learning for the ‘Identify, Reach, Monitor, Measure, and Advocate’ (IRMMA) interventions by working in conjunction with the government, local academic institutions, and civil society organisations (CSOs) in order to maximise data use, learning, partner engagement, assessment of current situation related to Zero Dose (ZD) and under-immunisation, develop and test appropriate mechanisms for reaching to the ZD and under-immunised children.

The objectives of the CLH in Bangladesh are:

  • Generate and synthesise learnings on the barriers to children being reached to influence programme planning and tailored approaches to identify and reach ZD and under-immunised children and missed communities
  • Strengthen the evidence base of effective approaches to identify and reach ZD and under-immunised children and missed communities by understanding what works, what should be scaled up, and what does not work and to do so in a timely, iterative manner
  • Improve metrics, measures, and methods to access and use data on a regular basis to improve reaching ZD and under-immunised children and missed communities

The Country Learning Hub is an initiative by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Gavi works with the mission to save lives and protect children’s health by increasing access to immunisation in poor countries. Emphasising on equity in vaccination coverage, Gavi will reach out to zero dose children, under- immunised children and their communities. Gavi will strengthen its immunisation services that sustainably reach children and communities who are missed by immunisation and other critical health services. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance provides operational and technical support to four CLHs in Bangladesh, Mali, Nigeria, and Uganda as they implement Gavi’s IRMMA framework.