In a bid to fortify child immunisation efforts in Bangladesh, a pivotal three-day training workshop convened for officials and field workers of the Health Department in Hatia Upazila of Noakhali District. The overarching goal? To pave the way for the implementation of the research project entitled ‘Country Learning Hub for Immunisation Equity in Bangladesh’ at the grassroots level.

Presiding over the workshop was Dr. Saumen Saha, the Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer of Hatia. Among the esteemed attendees were Hatia Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) , Suraiya Akhtar Lucky, gracing the occasion as the chief guest, and Hatia Upazila Vice Chairman, Md. Kefayet Uliah, who attended as a special guest. Noteworthy figures such as Resident Medical Officer (RMO) of Hatiya Upazila, Dr. Sheikh Md. Mahmudur Rahman, Medical Officer (Disease Control) Dr. Md. Khaled Saifullah, and World Health Organization Surveillance and Immunisation Medical Officer, Dr. Imtiazul Haque, lent their expertise to the proceedings.

Dr. Saha, in his welcoming address, expressed gratitude to all participants and extended special appreciation to the Upazila Executive Officer, Vice Chairman, and representatives from the World Health Organization and icddr,b. He lauded the research endeavor undertaken by icddr,b, emphasising its timeliness and the selection of Hatia Upazila for the project, aptly titled “No Child Left Out of Vaccination.”

Following Dr. Saha’s remarks, Mr. Hemel Das from icddr,b elucidated on the background, objectives, and components of the research project. Md. Wazed Ali, Field Research Manager at icddr,b, rallied support for the project’s implementation, stressing the importance of collective effort.

The focus of the workshop crystallised around the imperative task of identifying zero-dose and under-immunized children, probing into the root causes, and ensuring their vaccination. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) pledged unwavering support from the administration for the project’s success, urging collaboration among participants.

Similarly, the Vice Chairman underscored the commitment of the Upazila Parishad towards the initiative and set a bold target of vaccinating all the targeted  children within the Upazila within the next 12 months.

However, Dr. Saha also highlighted budgetary constraints hindering the modified EPI session/crash program, crucial for the project’s smooth execution. In response, Md. Wazed Ali proposed the formation of a committee under the Civil Surgeon’s leadership to oversee the research activities.

The formation of the Sub-National Committee marked a pivotal moment, with officers unanimously assuming responsibility for monitoring and steering the research endeavors. With a clear roadmap delineated and stakeholders galvanized into action, the stage is set for a concerted effort towards bolstering child immunisation efforts in Bangladesh.

This concerted effort signals a proactive approach towards addressing immunisation gaps, ensuring that no child is left vulnerable to preventable diseases. As the wheels of progress turn in Hatiya Upazila, the broader implications reverberate across Bangladesh, heralding a brighter, healthier future for its each and every youngest citizens.


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