The Button to Health: Micron Biomedical's Game-Changing Vaccine Technology
The Button to Health: Micron Biomedical’s Game-Changing Vaccine Technology

In a groundbreaking stride towards accessible and painless vaccination, Micron Biomedical has recently secured a substantial $23.6 million funding boost from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This financial support is earmarked for the mass production of needle-free vaccines, promising to revolutionise immunisation efforts, particularly in low and middle-income countries.

The innovative vaccine delivery system developed by Micron involves microarray technology, a method that eliminates the need for traditional needles. Administering the vaccine becomes as simple as applying the microarray to the skin and pressing a button. Not only does this approach render the process virtually painless, but it also significantly reduces the stringent cold chain requirements typically associated with vaccine distribution.

The funding infusion comes at a crucial juncture for Micron, as it paves the way for the establishment of a cutting-edge manufacturing plant. This facility will play a pivotal role in bringing to fruition the first-ever measles-rubella (MR) vaccine based on microarray technology. With a focus on children aged nine months and above, pending regulatory approvals and additional clinical trials, the needle-free MR vaccine aims to enhance treatment and vaccine accessibility, particularly in regions with limited infrastructure.

Micron’s CEO, Steven Damon, expressed gratitude for the grant, acknowledging the potential to transform vaccine accessibility for underserved populations globally. Damon highlighted the foundation’s support in constructing a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant, emphasising the goal of improving access and availability for measles/rubella vaccines and other injectable global health vaccines.

The significance of this development extends beyond financial backing. In May 2023, Micron reported promising results from its Phase I/II trial, assessing the MR vaccine delivered through microarray technology. The trial, encompassing adults, toddlers, and infants aged nine months and above, delved into the vaccine’s immunogenicity, acceptability, and safety. These positive outcomes bolster the potential of Micron’s needle-free technology to redefine the landscape of immunisation practices.

Micron’s collaborative efforts with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation underscore a commitment to bridging healthcare gaps in communities with limited resources. By advancing the development of a high-quality, large-scale production facility, Micron aims to contribute substantially to global health initiatives, ensuring that effective and life-saving vaccines reach those who need them the most.

As Micron Biomedical’s journey unfolds, the prospect of needle-free vaccines becomes not just a scientific breakthrough but a beacon of hope for a more inclusive and accessible approach to global healthcare. The collaboration between Micron and the Gates Foundation exemplifies the transformative power of partnerships in addressing pressing health challenges worldwide. 


Priyan V. Micron Biomedical receives funds to produce needle-free vaccines [Internet]. Pharmaceutical Technology. 2023 [cited 2024 Jan 3]. Available from:

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