Vaccinating Every Child: Promising Strategies for Reaching…

In the global quest for immunisation equity, Bangladesh has emerged as a beacon of innovation…>

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Bangladesh’s Polio Journey: Lessons for a Polio-Free…

Bangladesh's success in maintaining its polio-free status is a result of continuous research, effective vaccination…>

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mCCT: How Cash Incentives Ignited an Immunisation…

In the heart of Sindh, Pakistan, where the call for routine childhood immunisation echoed through…>

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Shared Insights: ZDLH-X2 Sparks Collaborative Learning

The second Gavi Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH): Inter-country Peer Learning Exchange, fondly referred to as…>

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Unveiling Equity Gaps: Insights from Rapid Assessment…

This research feature delves into the significant findings unveiled by a Rapid Assessment report conducted…>

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CES (2019) & DHIS2 (2022) data shows,…

CES (2019) & DHIS2 (2022) data shows, 30 upazillas across 21 districts exhibit Zero-Dose rates…>

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The government will introduce the HPV vaccination…

The government will introduce the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for female students in classes 5-9,…>

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Unveiling Equity Gaps: Insights from Rapid Assessment…

CLH conducted this Rapid Assessment to identify, comprehend & overcome barriers related to Zero-Dose &…>

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Nurse Sylve’s Story: Alo Clinic’s Impact on…

The Aalo clinic is living up to its Bengali name; the healthcare facility is working…>

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5 Vaccines at 6, 10 and 14…

At 6, 10 and 14 weeks after birth, give your child 5 vaccines to ensure…>

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