In Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, where the Rohingya refugee crisis has unfolded, a critical aspect of healthcare delivery is ensuring adequate childhood immunization coverage. Despite concerted efforts by the Government of Bangladesh, WHO, and NGOs to implement immunization campaigns and the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), coverage remains lower than anticipated.

A recent cross-sectional study delved into the factors contributing to this challenge among Rohingya parents living in registered camps and makeshift settlements in Teknaf and Ukhiya upazilla. The study, conducted between December 2021 and January 2022, included 244 Rohingya parents, revealing crucial insights into the vaccination practices within this community.

The findings unveiled that approximately 63.1% of Rohingya parents adhered to childhood immunization schedules, highlighting a significant gap in coverage. Notably, parents residing in registered camps exhibited a higher likelihood of vaccinating their children compared to those in makeshift settlements. This disparity underscores the importance of understanding the contextual factors influencing vaccination practices among different segments of the Rohingya population.

Further analysis revealed that factors such as parental education, monthly family income, and previous experiences of child loss were associated with vaccination practices. Notably, parents with higher levels of education demonstrated better immunization practices, indicating the pivotal role of education in raising awareness about the benefits of vaccination.

Moreover, multivariable analysis identified living in registered camps and possessing good knowledge about immunization as independent determinants of good vaccination practices. These findings emphasize the critical need for targeted health education initiatives tailored to the specific needs of the Rohingya community, particularly focusing on enhancing awareness about immunization benefits and schedules.

The study also underscored the influence of father’s education and occupation on vaccination practices, highlighting the patriarchal dynamics within Rohingya families and the importance of involving fathers in healthcare decision-making processes.

Despite the study’s significant insights, limitations exist, primarily stemming from convenience sampling and the exclusion of certain health service-related factors. Nonetheless, the findings provide valuable guidance for policymakers and practitioners in designing targeted interventions aimed at improving childhood immunization coverage among Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar.

Addressing the factors contributing to low childhood immunization coverage among Rohingya refugee parents necessitates a comprehensive approach encompassing targeted health education, community engagement, and the involvement of key stakeholders. By addressing these factors, stakeholders can work towards ensuring that every Rohingya child receives the lifesaving vaccines they need to thrive amidst challenging circumstances.


Ahmed N, Ishtiak ASM, Rozars MFK, Bonna AS, Alam KMP, Hossan ME, et al. Factors associated with low childhood immunization coverage among Rohingya refugee parents in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. PLoS One [Internet]. 2023;18(4):e0283881. Available from: 


  • বিস্তারিত

  • Type: গবেষণা পত্র
  • Theme: ইমিউনাইজেশন ইক্যুইটি
  • Publisher:
  • Author:
  • Language: ইংরেজি
  • Country: বাংলাদেশ
  • Location: বাংলাদেশ
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